ArtCinema is a cultural platform and collective that champions artists and all the arts by creating meeting points for patrons, producers, artists, cinephiles, and art lovers to support independent artists and independent cinema.

We will support and align Hydra’s and Greece’s local artist community to our year round cultural programme, as well as support an international artist and film hub that acts a conduit for connection and showcases the best talent from around the world. We invite our friends and community to support the next generation of global filmmakers and artists to thrive and in doing so, we believe we also contribute to Hydra's emergence as a global meeting point.

We believe in an international community of like minded individuals who develop and green light independent art and film from talented individuals regardless of background. We will protect and grow Hydra’s global reputation as a beloved natural, cultural and historic sanctuary within Greece and the Argosaronic islands - that cares for humans, animals and our shared environment.

If you would like to know more about ArtCinema for collaboration and possibilities please reach out to us here

Amanda Palmer
Founder, Art Cinema